Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Social Networking Sites


Twitter is a social networking site that allows users to constantly update information. It can both be helpful and useful. The status updates are limited to 140 characters, so they are very concise messages or thoughts. Many times, many businesses and news teams use twitter to relay important information to users. They are then able to re-tweet the message so that it can be seen in a more extensive scale. There are also many scammers who use twitter and it is sometimes hard to tell whether someone's profile is legitimate or not (there are many cases of identity theft). 


Through Myspace, users are able to post pictures and comments. They are able to to be connected to many people. One of Myspace's strengths is that it has largely impacted the music industry with the use of its music pages. Many up and coming artists were able to be recognized through Myspace and really market their talents. Through Myspace you are also able to customize your page by changing the background layout. There is much more space on Myspace to be creative as opposed to the limitations used by Twitter. 


Facebook is similar to Myspace in that it makes it easy for people to connect. Facebook also has music pages as well as pages where businesses can share their postings and promote themselves. People are also able to post statuses, like Twitter. Facebook has grown to a very large scale and is the most successful social networking site. It includes many apps where people can enjoy many programs, including games. Facebook also has a chat feature in which you can communicate with an online buddy in real-time. Similar to Myspace, you can create albums and add photos. You can also tag your friends in photos or statuses so they are instantly updated on new information about them.


SevenShuffle is a social networking site that combines blogging with social networking. SevenShuffle allows users to post things that they find unique or cool and can instantly be shared between users. Videos, photos, graphics, etc. are posted in blog form. Users may also rate these postings through an emoticon scale. They are also able to re-shuffle (same concept as a re-tweet). It combines the elements of Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter to create a space where all social networking needs can be met.

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