Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Project Description

My Project Description
For my project, I would like to examine how social media and/or how technology has changed the music industry. I plan to research how/where music is legally available as well as the ways people get the music illegally. I will follow specific groups/artists and research how their music is being accessed and what it is doing to the industry, if it has any effect. If any of you have any ideas on how I can narrow this topic or have ideas on how I can research this, please feel free to comment! Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Music! Why didn't I think of that? I agree. Music has changed so much since we have adapted to new media. I remember artists going on strikes becuase of the massive mp3 downloads. I think that as new media has come into effect music should also try to adapt to its new ways in which itunes has already done so. Although it doesnt help the music industry as much as it did with CD but I think we should move along with the new media and find ways to also grasp old media ways.
